Geez, I wish people would WAKE UP and LISTEN!!!!
A big part of the problem is NOT affordability. As several commenters on the article have noted, there are plenty of places listed for rent in Oshawa in the less than $700/ month range.
As I have explained many, many times, both here and in the many letters and emails I have sent to reporters and to politicians - only one of whom has deigned to even respond (and that was a I'll look into it and get back to you later) - while affordability is ONE issue, it is far FAR from the only one....
for small landlords in Ontario, it makes no sense whatsoever to rent to tenants like the woman described in the article.
Even if she could afford a considerably higher priced apartment, landlords still wouldn't rent to her.
“Most landlords don’t want to rent to people from shelters. Bad credit is another problem; many people have been evicted in the past. It makes it very hard to find places for these women. It’s a long process (to get into affordable housing). If they are not abused, just homeless, they have to wait years and years, with no other option than rental properties.”
Bad credit, evictions, children.... and a "fair & balanced system" that does not and will not support landlords if/when there are problems...
oh yeah... and your only income source is one that we can't garnishee. Uh yeah.... will get RIGHT on that.
As long as the LTB and the Sheriff's Offices think it's just hunky dory fine to take months to do their jobs (if they even bother) so that when there is a problem, it doesn't get resolved until it's cost us THOUSANDS ... and as long as they slow down even moreso the instant there is a child involved....
As long as the entire system demands that we continue to provide these people with all amenities to which they would be entitled if they were paying rent when they are not...
As long as OW/ODSP continues to pay shelter allowances to people who don't pay shelter COSTS (your tax dollars at work) and therefore add to the motivation to screw landlords over...
HOW could you possibly expect me to rent to these people?
I am a left wing, card carrying member of the NDP. I have worked for years and years in social services. I have housed single moms and women with serious mental illnesses in my own home, even. And I have rented to people with disabilities, mental illnesses, and yes, single moms...
I would love to be able to continue to do so.
It sickens me that I cannot.
But I can't afford to take the risk as long as the situation remains as it is in Ontario.
I am not unique.... well, aside from the fact that I am a leftie - definitely a minority among the landlords I know....
when it gets so bad that even I could not/would not do a dang thing for women like the one featured in the article, you know it's bad.
The Liberal government can tell us all they want that the system is "fair & balanced" ... it is most assuredly not..... and I am so very sorry that this means that children are sleeping in parks and shelters .... but hey ...I have been trying to get someone to listen. I have offered low/no cost solutions.... things that would make it possible for me to rent to people on assistance again...
but no one listens. So hey....what can I do?
Discriminate, or sell. Got any other ideas?