Wednesday 12 December 2012


While trying to use Google to find out who to complain to about the Sheriff's total lack of co-operation and insistance on adding thousands of dollars to the cost of this landlord and tenant nightmare, I came across a report from the Federation of Rental Housing Providers in Ontario.

Everything we are experiencing and going on about is a well known problem and has been documented by the FRPO. The Feb. 2011 report, Justice Denied: Ontario's Broken Rent Dispute Process includes a whole section on the Ontario Sheriff's offices and their monopoly on the eviction process. It recommends that private baliffs be allowed to handle evictions as they are in other provinces.

The whole thing is ridiculous!

And people wonder why there is so little affordable housing in Ontario.

Off to write really bitchy letters to Ontario MPPs - and then perhaps a newspaper article or two.

Monday 10 December 2012

Snotty bitches

Seriously ...I don't have enough snotty bitches to deal with, with the thief who is stealing from Ontario taxpayers and from us, and inconveniencing and harassing a whole lot of other people - now I also have to deal with snotty bitch tone from the Sheriff's office receptionist?

I don't fricken think so!

Did find out that the office is actually only closed on the dates one might expect, i.e. Dec. 25th & 26th, and Jan. 1 .... the SB says it's a ~resource issue~ that prevents them from bothering to enforce the order. .... from Dec 17 until sometime in Jan, they have insufficient resources to do their jobs. If that is the case, I think they should close the office down - why are taxpayers paying to keep it open at all? No work, no pay... isn't that how it works? Except for landlords ...we still have the work, and the bills... but the tenants don't have to pay, or get out when they've given notice, or.... 

Me, I think it's a lazy fucking waste of taxpayers' money we don't want to do our fucking jobs issue.

Funny, I've been reading through the Courts of Justice Act, RSO 1990, c C.43 - exciting reading that - and nowhere do I see anything that they get to be paid through December without actually having to do any work.

This whole thing is so much crap - the entire system does nothing but support the so-called-tenant while soaking us for more money because we were stupid enough to rent to a lying cheating thief. Bad enough if the so called services we are forced to pay for actually were provided in a timely manner....  which, I must admit, the Landlord and Tenant Board actually did .... but what good is it if the next (and more than twice as expensive, btw) part of the system can't be bothered to do their job.

Not impressed that the Ontario Ombudsman's office "can't" call the Sheriff on our behalf - no oversight there... they are Provincial ... so who the hell DOES have oversight? MPPs office thought it would be the Ombudsman but no such luck.

Am I having fun yet?   Not really. Merry Fucking ho ho.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Tenant Tip #1

Here's a tip for tenants - especially tenants-from-hell.

If you gave notice and then refused to leave, pay rent, OR stop harassing your landlords and destroying the repairs YOU DEMANDED THEY MAKE...

when you see them in passing, do NOT bother to nod courteously... it will most assuredly NOT help anything... and in fact, it might infuriate the landlord (you know, those people you are stealing from) and make them want to go pound your face in SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO badly.

Friday 7 December 2012


Just talked to the sheriff's office....  we can file the paperwork with them on the 17th as per our order ....charge us $401.40, and then NOT DO FUCK ALL.

They ~should~ be able to let us know when they might get round to actually evicting her.... when it suits them.... "AFTER THE NEW YEAR SOMETIME"

This system is SO NOT REASONABLE.

If we can't get new tenants in there in January either, we lose another $1200..... !!!  $2900 plus hundreds of dollars in damages that we will never see is not enough... now lets add another $1601.40 on top of that.

Merry fucking ho ho to me.

This is unfreaking believable.

Next call will be to a realtor.

Thursday 6 December 2012


Things are a bit less stressful here now that we know that at least the ex parte order is on it's way.

There is, of course, still a process through which she could fight it and we would still end up at a hearing... but it is rather more complicated that someone that can't change a light bulb, turn a timer knob, or push a tap the other way (in a full YEAR!) might reasonably be expected to manage.

Would rather she put her energy toward finding another place (although honestly, I pity whoever gets stuck with her.) Pretty sure it won't be any where here in the Harbour though... small town news does have a way of making it's way 'round.

What really irks me about people & situations like this is that  they cause so much harm to people who are in legitimate need of a break. It is far too easy to say that's it...we will never rent to anyone on any kind of assistance again. Totally understandable, especially when this is far from the only tenant-from-hell-on-assistance we (and many many other landlords as well) have dealt with. It becomes easy to stigmatize all prospective tenants on assistance the same way...

...which means that even those people who do truly need assistance, and will appreciate being given a break and a safe, reasonably priced place to live, and who might actually be able to find there way out of the system with a bit of help wind up being punished for the behaviours of these scam artists.

It is not fair ...but what can I do?

I was a single mom on welfare once upon a time. It wasn't called OW then... there was general welfare or mother's allowance .... and it wasn't for very long. But it was not fun and I was relieved to be off it and get back to working. Still ran into plenty of housing issues along the way though - people not wanting to rent to single mothers...even single moms with jobs.... 

I keep trying to give others a chance... advocate for them with hubby when he is resistant and all that fun stuff...

and we keep getting burned.

Sure does make it hard to keep trying.

Wednesday 5 December 2012


No doubt this mess is far from over - but did get a bit of penguin worthy news today....

The ex parte order for eviction has been issued and will be in a mailbox by "the end of today."

Another fun day

Another fun visit to the house in yet another attempt to respond to the squatter's maintenance demands. Notice was given on Monday that we would be there today at 11.

We showed up with the deputy fire chief - he was there at our request, as we wanted to address her concern about the "fire hazard" .... the snippet of her note is actually very funny if y'ask me... what she neglects to mention is that they demanded the deck be removed and did most of the work; the patio door was fixed when they moved in - with a brand spanking new handle, even - and THEY broke it; and the 2 inside doors she "needs" for the bedrooms she has no right to be using anyway are CLOSET doors, 1 of them for a closet which has actually never had a door because it is an odd configuration.

Is there something in the Landlord and Tenant's Act that says bedroom closets must have doors?

Anyway ... her whole list is complete & utter nonsense, but I've covered that already, so....

We do, however, need to address the issues around the patio door - they've knocked it off its track so there is a gap to the outside and that will not do under Tay Township property standards.

Our plan WAS to reseat the doors and then seal them up, but since the squatter not only refused to leave as per the notice, she brought in her very mouthy and aggressive sister, we were unable to have R. enter the unit to make any repairs at all... another conversation caught on video ...boring though, just so you know.

So we wound up once again having to fix it only from the outside... did the best we could without access to the interior, and, of course, without spending copious amounts of money, since we don't actually have copious amounts of money and are, in fact, now in the hole by $2900 and counting.

Won't be at all surprised if J. removes it again.... but police officer, bylaw officer and fire chief all now have documented that we have addressed her concerns for her safety.

Anyway .... once we got back home, was sitting here trying to do some other work and the thought just crossed my mind....what if the fax didn't actually go through? 

I did get (and keep) the confirmation slip ... but still..... shit happens .....and honestly, in my life, shit happens a LOT.... what a NIGHTMARE that would be ... if we were sitting here waiting out the week to ten days it supposedly takes to get an ex parte order or, God forbid, a hearing date....

Anyway ... since I was having an anxiety attack, I called the Board - CS person told me that there was nothing showing yet (OMG!?!?!) ... but not to worry ...that just means it hasn't been processed yet... can take up to 72 hours from time it's received, blah blah blah....

not to worry? uh yeah.... no....    So she is going to email the office I faxed it to (Barrie area is covered by the Mississauga office) and ask someone to call and let me know either way. So NOW I am sitting here waiting to hear back from them.... fully aware it won't likely be as quick as I would like it to be though.

What a freaking NIGHTMARE!

Anyone wanna buy a house?